“You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.” – Dr. Seuss
On June 26, Boys Town North Florida held its 2nd Annual Book Fair to promote reading, support youth development and literacy, and to just have fun!
Color in STEM, Eduprehd Research & Development Partners, FCRR, NCIL, and Maya’s Book Nook donated over 350 books, collectively, for the event, while scholars from the Tallahassee Area Center of Excellence National Achievers Society, returned as volunteers for the event.
Youth had a great time browsing a wide selection of diverse books from a range of genres. Each youth found “the one” book of their very own to take home to read during the summer months. Thanks to Ventris Learning, each youth also received a copy of the “Kayla Chronicles”, a comic book series promoting grit in literacy and overcoming difficulties in learning to read. After selecting their books, youth and families enjoyed a Book-Nic lunch for the day.
The book fair kicked off a series of events associated with Boys Town North Florida’s Literacy Initiative. “We are grateful for FCRR, FSU, and NCIL- our literacy partners – who created the “Kayla Chronicles”, as well as the Boys Town North Florida staff and partners who have supported this event over the years, all partnering to provide a range of literacy activities to enhance the academic success of youth in North Florida’s care,” said Marcus Lampkin, Boys Town North Florida’s Executive Director.