Message from Marcus Lampkin, Executive Director

​“Amid every crisis lies great opportunity."

Dear Boys Town Family,

It is a critical time for our nation, communities, and families. In these somewhat unprecedented times, we at Boys Town North Florida take comfort in remaining committed to our mission and greatest source of inspiration for our work -- working, collectively, to bring hope and healing to children and families.

We take this opportunity to share a host of BTNF accomplishments achieved over the past few months. Most importantly, we will share many of the opportunities afforded to our children, families and communities through the collective investments and efforts of our community of supporters.

Father Steven Boes, Boys Town President and National Executive Director, reminds us that “every youth, no matter their backgrounds or circumstances, deserve the same opportunities to succeed. Education is a right for all." So, you will read about fun-filled, recreational, and educational activities our youth have been engaged in this summer. These include initiatives specifically geared towards helping to eliminate some of the educational disparities our youth face in comparison to their peers. Notably, our celebration of both our Boys Town North Florida 2022 high school and Next Gen graduates (i.e., a leadership initiative that provides the opportunity for highly regarded staff members to develop their leadership skills) is a testament to the perseverance of these individuals, as well as the opportunities afforded and the support of our BTNF family to help them to achieve their educational and professional goals.

Without question, these are challenging times. In fact, we know that the potential associated long-term impacts of the issues we are facing are oftentimes exacerbated for our most vulnerable populations, including the youth, families, and communities we serve. Your ongoing support has been critical in enabling us to continue to bring hope and healing to our children, families, and communities, including providing opportunities that will hopefully mitigate some of the lasting effects of the challenges currently before us. Again, we could not do this work without you. So, thanks to each one of you for all that you have done for us at Boys Town North Florida.

With sincere gratitude,

Marcus M. Lampkin,Executive Director​