Jackie Barksdale, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) at Boys Town North Florida had the opportunity to present at Family Focused Treatment Association (FFTA) Conference this past July.
Jackie has years of experience working with families in foster care and adoption programs, including previously managing her agency's therapeutic foster care program before semi-retiring. She is also certified as a Child Welfare Professional in Adoption Competency Counseling, Child-Parent Psychotherapy, and Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. These experiences and training provided Jackie with information she wanted to share with other people in her field.
The FFTA Conference draws over 700 child welfare professionals every year and is the only international conference on family focused treatment services. With her love of teaching and training professionals in this field, Jackie sent in proposals for two presentations at the FFTA Conference but was not expecting for both to be approved. Reviewers realized that the topics were very appropriate and innovative for the conference and wanted the topics to be presented.
One of the workshops focused on the impact of holidays, birthdays, and anniversary dates on children and youth in the foster care system. Everyone who attended left with a better understanding of developmental grieving and disappointment and how to provide treatment responses and to avoid placement disruptions. Participants were encouraged to look at holidays and anniversaries through the eyes of a child with special needs and/or who has experienced trauma.
The second workshop addressed the benefits of Child-Parent psychotherapy (CPP) for the child welfare practice model and how the CPP framework creates a ripple effect enhancing trauma-informed practice across systems.
“Jackie is an amazing teacher and trainer. Her unique style allows for open participation and an interactive session. If you have the chance to attend any of her trainings, trust me you won't be disappointed," said Sara Soria, Program Support Services Coordinator at Boys Town North Florida. “She is always willing to share her knowledge and experience with whoever is ready to learn."
Jackie is an inspiration and mentor to everyone at Boys Town North Florida. Her humbleness is always evident, and she is constantly ready to learn something new. Boys Town North Florida is very thankful to have Jackie on staff for her guidance and expertise in the child welfare field and congratulate her on her wonderful presentations at the FFTA conference.