Back in July, Boys Town North Florida celebrated being named the first Child Caring Agency in the Northwest Florida region to transition their five Family Homes to fit the new Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) legislation.
Having anticipated this transition for more than a year, Boys Town North Florida is fully prepared for the FFPSA implementation date of October 1, 2021. Boys Town's history of providing quality services and giving priority to youth safety and well-being has made this transition easier.
The service, delivery, mission, and Boys Town model will not be changing. Boys Town North Florida will continue providing hope and healing to families and children just as they have done since opening their doors in 1983.
Boys Town North Florida would like to extend their gratitude to the National Boys Town office for their support in adjusting the policies and procedures to further align with FFPSA. They would also like to thank their local Department of Children and Families Licensing Liaison for their continued support through this transition.