Black History Month Events at ART Town

Each February, Boys Town North Florida celebrates Black History Month and hosts events that both empower and educate staff and youth on their identities and cultures. This past February, Boys Town North Florida hosted a Hair Care workshop, an educational outdoor field day, an informational session with collegiate fraternities and sororities, as well as completed a meaningful “We Are" project. Each of these activities were meant to allow those in the Boys Town community to further reflect on their identities and how they intersect.

Hair Care Workshop: Over 20 volunteers from FAMU arrived at ART Town and dedicated time to presenting information about Hair Care for different types of hair to our kids. Among the topics covered were scalp care, protective styles, locs, braiding, men's cuts, wigs and care, and hair care routines. During the session, groups of volunteers presented each topic in stations and elaborated on the history and function of those styles and routines.

Field Day: Children participated in a field day at ART Town after the hair care event with FAMU student volunteers. While the children played various outdoor games, they also participated in outdoor educational stations involving Black History.

Fraternity and Sorority Day: Several speakers from historical black groups and student groups came (National Pan-Hellenic Council, National Council of Negro Women) to ART Town to speak to the children about how to get involved in various student groups, if and when they pursue post-secondary education. To conclude the informative afternoon, fraternity attendees presented their strolls and discussed cultural aspects of stepping and cultural history of their organizations.

“We Are" Gallery: Children from each family home created independent and collaborative pieces to contribute to a gallery at ART Town that represents their own identities. During this project, the children were asked to critically think about their cultures, identities and their intersection. This exhibit that remains on display today, is a powerful symbol to represent the community and resilience that lies on our Boys Town Family Home campus.​