Letter from Our Executive Director, Bethany Lacey

With the end of the school year approaching and summer break around the corner, it is important for parents and caregivers to start thinking about their summer schedules in relationship to their children's activities. Perhaps there is a family summer vacation away from home planned for a week or so, or staycations for many weeks that likely will lead to a lot of screentime for children. Be it due to busy work schedules, convenience or child-parent(s) power struggles, screen-time challenges are a reality in most households. That's why it is so important for parents and caregivers to start planning now how to minimize those struggles so you and your kids can enjoy a great summer.

To help with that, below is a list of resources and tips for you to consider using in your home during summer break, and beyond, to set healthy screen-time habits with your children and family:

  • Turn off all screens during family meals and outings.
  • Set screen time limits. Check out the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 
  • Create an AAP Family Media Plan on 
  • Monitor screen and game content based on a child's age; check out 
  • Ask your child to create a list of summer activities they can do alone and with friends…after they do your list of house chores. 😉

At Boys Town, we believe a parent is their child's first and most important teacher. We offer preventive and early intervention services to help families that are struggling with their kids get the resources and skills they need to overcome their challenges. It takes a village to raise children and Boys Town is here to provide guidance and skills while meeting each child and family where they are. Together, we can bring positive change and keep families intact, whenever possible.I hope you have a fantastic summer, and I thank you for your commitment and support of our important work!

Bethany Lacey