Boys Town Nevada hosted their 2nd annual Back-to-school Bash at Gary Reese Freedom Park in Las Vegas, NV. On Saturday, July 30th, this fun and family event brought together an amazing group of community partners, corporations, and volunteers to prepare 1200 children and families for the upcoming school year. Event partners and sponsors provided more than 4200 school supplies and 800 backpacks to relieve the back-to-school burden to families in southern Nevada. Through community partnerships they were able to offer mobile dental exams and cleanings to anyone that attended. During the Bash, the youth played sports games, took photos at the photobooth and created art projects. Boys Town Nevada provided food and hosted giveaways for bikes and gift cards donated by event partners.
Overall, $19,290 was raised to go towards Boys Town's LIFT Together initiative. LIFT Together is an evidence-based model that improves problems in the local school district such as absenteeism, low parental engagement and disruptive classroom behaviors. Thank you to our generous sponsors, Anthem Health Care, Southwest Gas, SilverSummit Health Care and Molina Healthcare for their continued support of Boys Town Nevada and improving the lives of children and families in Nevada.