Multisystemic Therapy
Multisystemic Therapy
At Boys Town, our primary goal is to keep young people at home with their families, in school and out of trouble with the law.
If your child is at-risk for an out-of-home placement, due to serious anti-social, aggressive or violent behavior, Boys Town’s Multisystemic Therapy (MST) program can help!
MST is an intensive family- and community-based approach to treating youth and juvenile offenders (age 12-18) with behavior issues, criminal offenses and substance abuse problems. Fully trained MST therapists provide intensive home-based services to youth and their families designed to give them the support needed to help keep youth at home and in school.
How do the MST therapists help?
- Therapists work in homes, schools and community settings and are on call 24/7 to provide parents and caregivers with the tools and skills they need to transform the lives of troubled youth.
Does MST work?
- Yes. More than 30 years of research-driven, scientific evaluations of MST have shown reductions in long-term rates of criminal behaviors and out-of-home placements in juvenile offenders. The family life of the youth involved also significantly improved.
Who Benefits from MST? At-risk youth and juvenile offenders who are exhibiting:
- Problems at school, including truancy
- Disobedient and disrespectful behavior
- Aggressiveness
- Criminal behaviors
- Drug or alcohol abuse
- Running away from home behaviors
MST Changes Lives
- We know that MST promotes positive change in the lives of youth and families, by reducing behaviors that are viewed as “willful misconduct,” and enabling the youth to move forward and succeed.
If you feel MST could help your child, contact MST Referrals at MST.Referrals@boystown.org or call (531) 355-3025.