Boys Town School Food Services and Wellness
Boys Town provides a program environment that supports and promotes wellness, good nutrition, and an active lifestyle for the youth in its care, and recognizes the positive relationship between good nutrition, physical activity, and the capacity of youth to develop and learn.
USDA Programs
National School Lunch Program
- The National School Lunch Program is a federally assisted meal program that provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost, or free lunches to children each day. By adopting this program with are required by the start to follow the nutrition standards. The nutrition standard included increasing fruits, vegetables and whole grains as well as reducing sodium and setting calorie standard. This helps to ensure the meals served are well-balanced.
- School lunch is comprised of 5 required food groups. Those food groups are grain, meat/meat alternates, fruit, vegetable, and milk. Depending on the school that your youth attends will determine if they are served all 5 components or if they get a choice. If they can choose their meal, they are required by the state to select 3 out of the 5 food groups. This allows the youth to have to option to select foods that they intend to consume thus reducing food waste.
School Breakfast Program:
- Starting the day on the right foot by eating breakfast is extremely important. Eating breakfast has been shown to improve academic performance and classroom behavior That is why we served breakfast to the residential treatment center and Wegner day school. The breakfast menu includes three of the required food groups which includes milk, fruit and grains and follow the nutritional standard set by the USDA.
After School Snack
- The After School Snack is a component of the National School Lunch Program. Requirement for this program contain at least two different food groups. For example, a serving of fluid milk; a serving of meat or meat alternate; a serving of vegetables or fruits or full-strength vegetable or fruit juice; a serving of whole grain or enriched bread or cereal.
We’re getting healthier!
It’s a fact – healthier students are better learners. That’s why our school launched a school-wide wellness initiative to make Boys Town a healthier environment for everyone. We’re part of a movement to make our school a healthier place to learn and work.
Our Wellness Policy Team, chaired by Jessie Sedlacek, is in charge of implementing our school’s wellness policy. The wellness policy addresses school meal programs, nutrition education, and physical activity for youth.
Members of the Wellness Policy Team are made up of Boys Town employees from various Departments as well as youth input.
Watch the school website for regular updates from the Wellness Policy Team. Creating a healthier school environment is a team effort, we invite you to join us.
Contact the Wellness Coordinator, Jessie Sedlacek at if you have any questions, ideas, or would like to be involved with the Wellness Committee.
- Upcoming Events/Meetings
- Location: Great Hall at 13747 Flanagan Blvd.
- Date/Time:
- Sept. 4th at 3pm
- Nov. 6th at 3pm
- Jan 8th at 3pm
- Mar. 26th at 3pm
Lied Learning and Technology Preschool Program
Boys Town Food Services provides morning snack and lunch meals based on USDA meal pattern guidelines to provide a well-balanced meal. Meals and snacks are appropriate to the age of the child and Boys Town will address children’s allergies and food intolerances on a case-by-case basis.
- If your child needs a special diet, please complete the meal accommodation request form or medical statement form and return it to your classroom teacher. Ask your teacher to notify our Boys Town Food Service department immediately of the need for a special diet. Please allow up to 5 school days from receipt of the form for our department to plan the appropriate menu substitutions.
- No Peanuts will be served at this program.
Boys Town Education Center
- Boys Town Food Services provides Lunch meals based on USDA meal pattern guidelines to provide a well-balanced meal. Meals are appropriate to the age of the youth and Boys Town will address youth allergies and food intolerances on a case-by-case basis.
- Youth special diet needs will be taken at the time of admissions by nursing and will be communicated to Boys Town Food Services as needed to make necessary accommodations during the school hours.
Metro Intervention Center, Intervention and Assessment, Boys Town Day School
- Boys Town Food Services provides Breakfast and Lunch meals based on USDA meal pattern guidelines to provide a well-balanced meal. Meals are appropriate to the age of the youth and Boys Town will address youth allergies and food intolerances on a case-by-case basis.
- If your youth needs a special diet, please complete the meal accommodation request form or medical statement form and return it to administration. Have administration notify our Boys Town Food Service department immediately of the need for a special diet. Please allow up to 5 school days from receipt of the form for our department to plan the appropriate menu substitutions.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient Unit and Residential Treatment Center
- Boys Town Food Services provides Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Meals, along with Afternoon and Evening Snacks. Breakfast, Lunch, and Afternoon Snacks all follow the USDA meal requirements. All meals include all five food groups and are appropriate to the age of the youth. Boys Town will address youth allergies and food intolerances on a case-by-case basis.
- Youth special diet needs will be taken at the time of admissions and will be communicated to Boys Town Food Services as needed to make necessary accommodations.
Special Diets
Allergies and Medical Conditions:
- If your student has a diagnosed food allergy, food intolerance, medical condition or disability which requires a special diet, Boys Town will do their best to accommodate that dietary request upon receipt of a completed medical statement form or meal accommodation form. We have two different forms and depending on the condition or diagnosed you will need to only fill one out. The first one being the meal accommodation form which will be completed if your student has any food allergy or intolerance. The medical statement form will be completed if your student has any medical condition or disability. For example, celiac disease or diabetes. Please allow up to 3-5 days from receipt to allow foodservice to make the necessary accommodations.
Personal Dietary Choices:
- Since our Boys Town student population is very diverse, we understand that your food choice may be based upon different reason, including cultural, emotional, economical, religious, ethical, environmental, and personal health. As a courtesy, the menu includes 3-4 entrees depending on the location. If you would like to request a special diet based upon a personal dietary choice, please complete a meal accommodation form.
All forms can be submitted to