Stories of Support
The Buckle
Many of the children that come to Boys Town have few physical possessions to their name. The Clothesline is an onsite "store" that allows those utilizing Boys Town services to come and shop free of charge for clothing and other items they may need.
The Buckle has been a long-time supporter of our home campus at Omaha, providing clothes several times a year to the Clothesline. Approximately three times a year, The Buckle generously loads up 3 pallets (about 60 boxes) of jeans, shirts, coats and more for the kids at Boys Town. "To be able to give to the Clothesline, it allowed those kids to come in and get a chance to shop brand-name clothes just so they can feel good about their journey. I mean it's meant a lot to me, and I will continue doing that as long as I'm in Omaha giving back to those guys." Scott Werth, Associate Vice President, The Buckle, Inc.
Ryan: Boys Town is really one of the most innovative places in the country for helping children get better, healing families. I mean that's what we're all about. But one of the things that's really important for us here is that we're able to meet some of their basic needs, too. Sometimes kids come to us and they don't have a lot.
Jeff: I've had kids come from like California where they literally show up with nothing but the clothes that they have. And coming from California, none of them have coats. None of them have long sleeves. We even had a kid show up just recently without pants.
Even normal hygiene things, sometimes they don't come with. So the Clothesline here is really important. It offers that opportunity for them to get some of those things. We're just like a normal family, so we have a budget we got to kind of maintain. And so the Clothesline is really neat because it offers us the opportunity to come and get that stuff for free.
The Buckle is one of the main donors for the Clothesline here, and they've been really a long-time supporter of Boys Town.
Neala: We at Buckle believe in giving back as an organization, and we feel that good business starts with great people doing good things in the community.
Scott: When I first moved to Omaha back in, you know, '92 and I got a chance to manage Oak View, the store that I'm in now, what's crazy, Boys Town just right up the street from us, I got a chance to really cross over with a lot of the Boys Town students. They always love to come in and shop, and by doing so, I got a chance to meet a lot of the family members that actually, you know, supported and lived with them on campus. And so to be able to give to the Clothesline, it allowed those kids to come in and get a chance to shop, you know, brand-name clothes just so they can feel good, you know, about their journey.
I mean it's meant a lot to me, and I will continue doing that as long as I'm in Omaha giving back to those guys.
Brittany: For our kids to be able to come up here to the Clothesline and pick out items that, you know, normally they wouldn't get to pick out, that they really like, is important to them. It definitely helps our boys' self-esteem to be able to dress in, you know, some high-fashion clothes that others like and would want to wear as well.
Becky: We send shipments a couple of times a year to Boys Town. Our teams work very hard to put those shipments together. It's usually about 2 pallets or 60 boxes of various items. Those shipments, over the years, we get various, many, many, many thank yous from the kids and the staff at Boys Town.
One of my favorites that we have received, it was a manila envelope, and it was full of thank you notes, and they had pictures and just various thank yous about how we had impacted their lives and made the transition to Boys Town easier for them.
Ryan: It's incredible to watch the generosity of people who come alongside us to help care for children, especially companies like the Buckle.
Kids: Thank you Buckle.