Success Stories
Colton's Success Story
Sometimes everything just works towards a greater good, even when you can't see that at the beginning. When Colton landed at Boys Town, he was a kid in need of support and healing. As he graduated in May, he'd become a young man who knows where he's going and has already taken steps to get there.
Colton went straight from his walk across the stage at graduation to walking onto the job site at the Boys Town Education Center. What a blessing it has been to work with partners who understand that at Boys Town, kids come first. Not only did MCL Construction provide educational opportunities to kids like Colton who have an interest in construction, but they also hired him full-time after graduation. We are so proud of you, Colton!
“If I hadn't been at Boys Town, I wouldn't have met the people with the MCL Construction family who helped me pursue my dream of going into construction," shared Colton. “In September, I start my classes at Community College…if I like school, I will look into a four-year degree in construction management."
Watch the video below for the whole story.
Colton: I'm Colton, I'm a Labor One at MCL Construction.
Braden: And I'm Braden Johnson. I'm a field engineer here at MCL Construction.
He started with MCL and started just giving us some interviews, kind of carrying on and showing the building story as we've been progressing.
Since then, Colton showed some great interest in the construction industry as a whole and has actually reached out to us and started working here and actually just this week after graduation, was able to start full time and it's been kind of our do it all guy, never says no, always shows up on time. So he's been an awesome attribute to have to the team.
Colton: Working at MCL has taught me a lot. It's really a lot of hands on and it's going strong so far. It's my first full day and then September we start, I start my classes at Metro Community College. If I like that ,going to school and stuff for it, I'm gonna go into four year college and then take construction management.
Braden: Yeah, we're kind of starting to get into the fun stuff, getting into the, the real meat of the finish is where everything's pretty and shiny by the end of it. What everyone likes to come in and see.
Colton, you gotta assist us here with some of these fire extinguishers. Gotta put in a little finish work for us. So far, all plum and installed perfectly.
Colton: If I haven't been at Boys Town, I wouldn't have probably met like people with the MCL construction family to help me pursue the dream of going into construction. Thank you for supporting education at Boys Town.