Success Stories
Christmas at Boys Town
For most children, the holidays mean spending time with family, exchanging gifts and celebrating the season. For many Boys Town youth who grew up in neighborhoods plagued by poverty, crime and substance abuse, the holidays were no different from any other time of the year. Because in December, just as in March or July, every day simply presented a struggle to survive. When kids and families receive help from Boys Town, many have the opportunity to experience their first real Christmas or holiday season. And Boys Town’s Family-Teachers and Family Consultants do everything they can to make Christmas and the holiday season special and exciting for our youth and their families.
Tricia: I think a lot of our kids have talked to us about the fact that this has been their best Christmas, the first Christmas that they have with us at Boys Town, and they talk about how in the past at Christmas time there were no presents or maybe Mom was drunk, or there was a big fight in the family, there was no dinner prepared. It's just a lot of fretful memories at, especially, holiday times, and so we just love to be able to give them positive and fun memories.
Sean: We have this event here where Santa comes to Boys Town. He comes riding into Boys Town on one of the firetrucks and the little kids here absolutely love that. It's great to see them, like, smiling and laughing and having a good time.
Scott: With the holidays, we try to exaggerate what we do for the holidays to make them even more spectacular than they were, that we remember as kids, I mean, trying to get the biggest Christmas tree, trying to put the most lights on it, so they get a sense for kind of a replacement for the loss that they've had.
Tricia: Christmas is about a time for joy and celebrating with family and making fun memories, and that it doesn't need to be sadness or unpleasant thoughts.
Alyssa: It's just a lot of fun. I enjoy Boys Town Christmas so much.
Girl 1: Merry Christmas from Boys Town!
Boys: Merry Christmas from Boys Town!
Girl 2: Merry Christmas from Boys Town!
Girls: Merry Christmas from Boys Town!
Boys Town Choir Sings Hallelujah
Christmas in the Village