Electronic Communications Policy
Electronic Communications Policy
Newsletters, Emails and Texts to You
At registration and at various times as you use the Website, you will have the option of receiving regular newsletters, email or Short Message Service (SMS) texts (electronic communications) with personally identifiable informational (PII) or promotional newsletters (Promotional Materials). While we do not charge fees to receive text messages, message and Data Rates from your wireless carrier may apply. Any costs incurred as a result are your responsibility. Messages may come from Boys Town directly and/or from third parties on our behalf.
You may elect to receive electronic communications through a variety of methods including, but not limited to express statements in which you provide your email address or mobile telephone number in order that we can contact you to communicate information such as test results or appointment reminders, or through general consents where you provide your contact information for general correspondence related to our ongoing relationship with you as a healthcare provider. By providing your mobile number, you agree to receive voice and electronic communications by voice and text and by providing your e-mail address you agree to receive e-mail and agree that the that the device(s) and account(s) that will receive the electronic communications are appropriately secured. Text messaging originator opt-in data and consent will not be shared with any third parties unless required by law. If you wish to stop receiving text messages at any time you may do so by simply responding STOP to any text message from us. For additional assistance, email compliance.team@boystown.org
Boys Town reserves the right to moderate comments on its social media platforms and may remove any content including advertising, profanity or offensive posts, as well as any off-topic commentary.