Jaimie Elffner Receives the “Whatever It Takes” Certificate of Recognition Presented by the MST Institute

Jaimie Elffner, Multisystemic Therapy (MST) Therapist, is the recipient of a certificate of recognition called Whatever It Takes, presented by Kimberly Alexander on behalf of the MST Institute.

The MST program is an evidence-based program with more than 30 years of research demonstrating superior effectiveness in reducing oppositional behaviors placing youth at risk of out of home placement. They work to connect families with sustainable support within the family’s neighborhood, build skills and strategies to overcome obstacles, and help to bridge gaps between families and service professionals to increase their independence.

This recognition is given to individuals within the MST community that have demonstrated outstanding and commendable service. Jaimie has shown that she is willing to do “whatever it takes” to serve her youth and families!

“She brainstorms engagement barriers when she feels stuck, she is willing to think outside the box and will meet families at all hours of the day. Her families report that Jaimie hears them when they discuss their issues, and she meets them at their level. She does great following the analytical process loop each week and simplifying plans to help her youth. Jaimie has been at homes at 2:00am to support families through crises and collaborate with police to ensure she is helping her families with stabilization. She is also a great advocate for what is best for her youth,” wrote Angela Wyatt, Supervisor at MST in her nomination for Jaimie.

Boys Town is profoundly grateful for employees like Jaimie who continue to change the way America cares for children and families!