Youth at the 2024 Blue Water Bash

13th Annual Blue Water Bash was an Overwhelming Success

The 13th Annual Blue Water Bash was an overwhelming success, drawing a vibrant crowd and delivering a memorable experience at Okoboji Classic Cars. The event featured a mix of lively entertainment, engaging activities and a sense of community that made it a standout occasion. We raised $250,000 which will be used towards camp repairs, restoration and preservation!

We are so thankful for all those who attended and contributed to this year's event. Your generosity ensures this special place remains for all the youth who call Boys Town home.  Thank you again to all who joined us at the lake and a special shout out to our Event Chairs, Susan Haddix and Laura Luther and Honorary Chairs, Joel and Beth Johnson. Thank you for holding a special place in your hearts for this camp and our youth. A special shout out to those who joined us in Luau and Hawaiian inspired outfits!

If you were not able to attend, it isn't too late to support this amazing place. A gift today helps another child experience the true joy of summer fun. Supporters and donors like you will help to fund our camp repair and restoration efforts. Camp Okoboji is just one of many ways you can support Boys Town. To learn more, please reach out to me directly at

Thank you again!

Melissa Steffes, Development Director