I love working at Boys Town.
Every time I think I can’t be more in awe of the services provided by Boys Town and the impact upon the children and families we serve, I hear another incredible story of a former kid who is successful because of Boys Town.
Earlier this week, at our annual Boys Town Booster Banquet, about 1,500 people had the opportunity to hear this story for themselves from Tim Thompson, a 2010 Boys Town graduate.
Tim readily admits that without Boys Town, he probably wouldn’t be here today. Tim’s Family-Teachers worked with him every day. They helped him with his homework, taught him responsibility by assigning him chores, prayed with him and cheered him on at every football game. Tim gradually realized he had a whole support system that was focused on preparing him to succeed, both as a youth at Boys Town and an adult in the real world.
The first people Tim thanked were his Family-Teachers. Acting as parents in the Family Home environment, Family-Teachers hold a very special place in the hearts of the boys and girls in their care, both while youth are at Boys Town and after they leave.
We are always looking for Family-Teachers who are willing to bring about the positive changes children desperately need in their lives. To learn more about becoming a Family-Teacher and what day-to-day life is like in a Family Home, visit boystown.org/careers.
I pray your heart moves you to join the Boys Town family to fulfill our mission of healing children and families in mind, body and spirit.