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Are You Seeing Someone Inclusively? You Should Be!

February 8th, 2016     By Boys Town Contributor Mother of eight-year-old son and six and one-year-old daughters

Connecting with Kids, Family, Parent-Child Relationships, Parenting Skills

Teachable moments can come from a wide variety of sources, including other parents. From time to time parents write blogs for us that we think you will find interesting, useful, or entertaining. Please enjoy this post from a fellow parent. 

I have three kids, so getting time alone with each one of them is really tough.

That’s why this Valentine’s Day, my husband and I not only spent time with each other, but also had much-needed one-on-one time with each of our children.

What I’ve realized from the similar little dates we’ve had in the past is that spending more time with our kids is important, but it’s what you do during that time that really counts. For the month of February, we planned one date with one child each week. We asked the kids for their ideas on activities for the dates, and put together a list they can pick from.

Here are some of my kids’ ideas:

  • Finger paint a self-portrait
  • Go out for ice cream
  • Build a fort together
  • Make dinner together
  • Play “20 Questions”

Some of our dates can be as short as five minutes. That’s because doing something individually with a child that is meaningful to him or her can mean more than doing something with a child in a group for an hour.

What is important is the one-on-one time you’re spending with your child. This is what makes children feel special, important and loved. What better way to show your child love than by giving him or her the gifts money can’t buy – yourself and your time.

Having trouble getting more than a few words out of your children? Try asking specific, pointed questions that require more than a simple “yes” or “no.” We’ve compiled ten of our favorite conversation starters below.

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